All the babies cooperated today and we were able to determine their genders! Although "baby a" gave us a hard time at first and kept their legs crossed. In order this is how we found out and there was a few minutes laps in between finding out each one so the suspense was killing us!
The ultrasound tech was checking out baby a's head and heart and such and every now and then I got a brief shot of the gender but I didn't want to get ahead of myself and guess wrong so I waited....finally she was studying 'the part' and asked, "do you want to know the gender?" My Husband and I both answered at the same time, "YES!"
looks like baby a is a....

Then on to the next baby, check the head, the heart.....finally.....
"baby b is a......"
"baby b is a......"

the suspense was then killing us it could either be all boys or one girl could toss it up...which would it be?!?!
Check the head, the heart,
"baby c is a......"
Check the head, the heart,
"baby c is a......"