24 Weeks 3 Days Pregnant
Sorry I didn't post about my appointment yesterday. I feel like I'm boring everyone with my twice a week Dr. Appt. updates.
Yesterday was more eventful.
My cervix shortened since last Thursday (it was between 1.6-1.7). Yesterday it measured 1.37.
The doctor actually let me make the decision as to whether or not I wanted to stay in the hospital.
He said he felt comfortable with me going home if I wanted to do so...so that's what I decided.
I don't think I'll go into labor before my next appointment.
The Dr. said as soon as my cervix measures under 1 he's taking the decision away from me and admitting me to the hospital.
Being at 1.37 I don't think it will be too much longer before I'm in the hospital.
I'm hoping to hold on to 28 weeks...i think it's realistic. :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
It's Starting To Get Boring...Which Is A Good Thing.
23 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant
Today was another successful doctor's appointment. No change. I got to come home. They wanted to do all those fun blood tests and diabetes test today....one of them is that one where you drink that nasty stuff then wait an hour and have blood work done. Brighton was with me today and was throwing a tantrum when I walked into the blood lab so I asked them if It could possibly wait 'til Monday when I come for my other appointment. They said that would be fine. PHEW! So I guess Monday will be a long day at the doctor. The wait alone to get in to see my doctor is around 45 minutes, then the actual appointment takes about 15-20, then the diabetes test will take another hour. WOO HOO! At least I get out of the house for a couple hours...
Today was another successful doctor's appointment. No change. I got to come home. They wanted to do all those fun blood tests and diabetes test today....one of them is that one where you drink that nasty stuff then wait an hour and have blood work done. Brighton was with me today and was throwing a tantrum when I walked into the blood lab so I asked them if It could possibly wait 'til Monday when I come for my other appointment. They said that would be fine. PHEW! So I guess Monday will be a long day at the doctor. The wait alone to get in to see my doctor is around 45 minutes, then the actual appointment takes about 15-20, then the diabetes test will take another hour. WOO HOO! At least I get out of the house for a couple hours...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
3D Ultrasound Pictures
Ultrasound pictures taken at 21 weeks 5 days pregnant.
I know, I know, it's taken us long enough to post these, but better late than never...right? Beware, some of these are creepy. 3D ultrasound pictures are hard to take. The baby has to remain perfectly still when they take the picture or else it turns out really creepy looking.
Baby C (girl) Her hands are floating up by her head and her knee is almost touching her nose...her legs are also crossed, if you can tell.
I know, I know, it's taken us long enough to post these, but better late than never...right? Beware, some of these are creepy. 3D ultrasound pictures are hard to take. The baby has to remain perfectly still when they take the picture or else it turns out really creepy looking.

Monday, June 22, 2009
Close Call!
23 Weeks 2 Days Pregnant
Today I had another appointment with Dr. E.
My cervix measured shorter. 1.7/1.6. It was at 1.8 last week. He told me last week if it got any shorter than 1.8 he would keep me in the hospital. Well, today he must've been in a good mood because he let me go home. Thank goodness! I go in again this Thursday however and he said if there is any change then he will keep me in the hospital (he keeps threatening that but hasn't done it yet so I don't know what to expect). He also said I will officially be 24 weeks that day...wahoo! This is the first big marker. 24 weeks supposedly is the earliest the babies can be born with a 80% chance of survival. Which is great but let's hope I can keep them in for a little longer. The doctor also said I have two options as far as the steroid shots for the lungs. Whenever they admit me to the hospital they will give me the steroid shots, it's part of procedure. Or since I'm 24 weeks on Thursday, even if I don't get admitted I can make the choice of getting the steroid shots if I'd like.
So here comes another wait game...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Doctor's Appointment
22 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant
Another successful doctors appointment...I've had so many good ones in a row I'm nervous for what the next one will be like.
Let's make this a short and sweet post.
No change in my cervix = I still get to stay at home on bed rest.
The babies all look great. I'm 23 weeks today and Baby A is measuring a day ahead, Baby B is measuring three days ahead and Baby C is measuring 2 days behind. (so both the boys are rearing to go and the girl is a sweet petite little thing)
The babies weigh a little over a pound each. Dunno why but hearing this was big news to me...they've reached the pound mark...yea!
*They tried the 3d again and the boys were still as stubborn as usual...must be a male thing. Guess we'll have to wait (like everyone else) to see what they look like until they're born.
Another successful doctors appointment...I've had so many good ones in a row I'm nervous for what the next one will be like.
Let's make this a short and sweet post.
No change in my cervix = I still get to stay at home on bed rest.
The babies all look great. I'm 23 weeks today and Baby A is measuring a day ahead, Baby B is measuring three days ahead and Baby C is measuring 2 days behind. (so both the boys are rearing to go and the girl is a sweet petite little thing)
The babies weigh a little over a pound each. Dunno why but hearing this was big news to me...they've reached the pound mark...yea!
*They tried the 3d again and the boys were still as stubborn as usual...must be a male thing. Guess we'll have to wait (like everyone else) to see what they look like until they're born.
Monday, June 15, 2009
And Depression Sets In...
22 Weeks 2 Days Pregnant
Today was yet another doctor's appointment. I have to admit they're the highlight of my week now that i'm on bed rest and my doctor's appointments are the only time I get to see the outside world.
Good and bad came from this appointment.
First off the good news...my cervix hasn't changed since last Thursday...yeah! The doctor then told me I can stay at home until it gets shorter. Any change and I'm in the hospital. So he told me to expect that I will be in the hospital in the next couple weeks.. and he's upping my appointments from once weekly to twice weekly. Every Monday and Thursday.
The worst part of the appointment was when I stepped on the scale and saw my husband's weight starring back at me. So I offically weight the same as my husband....wahoo (catch the sarcasm?).
Sorry I still haven't posted the 3d photos. The Hubby hasn't had a chance to upload them yet...I will keep nagging him....I have to admit it's what I do best now that I'm on bed rest.
my appointment this Thursday they're measuring all the babies growth again...So I will nag the ultrasound tech to try to get a 3d photo of the boys since that didn't work out last time.
stay tuned for my next appoinment, since that's all that's really going on with us now. :)
Today was yet another doctor's appointment. I have to admit they're the highlight of my week now that i'm on bed rest and my doctor's appointments are the only time I get to see the outside world.
Good and bad came from this appointment.
First off the good news...my cervix hasn't changed since last Thursday...yeah! The doctor then told me I can stay at home until it gets shorter. Any change and I'm in the hospital. So he told me to expect that I will be in the hospital in the next couple weeks.. and he's upping my appointments from once weekly to twice weekly. Every Monday and Thursday.
The worst part of the appointment was when I stepped on the scale and saw my husband's weight starring back at me. So I offically weight the same as my husband....wahoo (catch the sarcasm?).
Sorry I still haven't posted the 3d photos. The Hubby hasn't had a chance to upload them yet...I will keep nagging him....I have to admit it's what I do best now that I'm on bed rest.
my appointment this Thursday they're measuring all the babies growth again...So I will nag the ultrasound tech to try to get a 3d photo of the boys since that didn't work out last time.
stay tuned for my next appoinment, since that's all that's really going on with us now. :)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Progestrone Shots Here I Come!
21 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant
I had to see Dr. P (AKA: Dr. Big Hands) because Dr. E was out of the office for some reason. Doctor P is a really nice doctor, we brought B with us to this appointment and he just went on and on about how cute she is. There is something about him that turns me off however, I'll tell you about it later when I get to that point.
The ultrasound tech checked all the babies heart beats and I asked her if she could do 3D ultrasound. I had heard rumor a couple appointments ago that in the month of June all the techs were going to start practicing their 3D ultrasound skills out. She said she would try but she really didn't know anything about it. We got a GREAT shot of our little girl. The little boys however were more difficult and I felt bad for our poor ultrasound tech. Baby A (boy) had the umbilical cord right in front of his face the whole time, she tried giggling my tummy to get it to move but it didn't work. Then Baby B (boy) was face planting it into my back, guess he's camera shy. I was grateful we got such a great shot of our little girl...it was REALLY neat. The boys were starting to wrestle in the womb already....when the tech was trying to get a good shot of A baby B stuck his foot right in his face...there's a membrane separating the two but it's really thin and I'm sure baby A wasn't too happy with this brother. I am on our lap top right now and can't scan the pictures but I will try to have my hubby do it for me tonight and I'll put them on this post as soon as he does.
Then was the lovely cervix check....warning to those that don't like/want to hear details. At first it measured almost 3 which isn't right at all because my last appt it was just barely 2.5 and cervix's can't grow. Now this is the reason why I'm not a big fan of Dr. P....he is a very rough doctor. Because it was showing 3 and he knew that wasn't accurate he started pushing on my stomach so as to apply pressure to my cervix to get an accurate measurement. HOLY COW did it hurt! It ended up measuring 1.8. NOT GOOD. I love how when you go in to the doctor and they don't say anything you automatically know it's not good. Dr. P then informed me he wanted to do an internal exam to ensure I wasn't dilating....oh great! For those of you that are avid readers of our blog (ha ha ha) a few posts back I mentioned how Dr. P examined me once when I was pregnant with B, and it was an experience I will never forget. Well his exam today topped that last one. It was horrible. Anyway, he determined I'm not dilating...yet...thank goodness.
Then he asked how much bed rest I was doing and I answered moderate. He said he wants me to live on my back. So I have to be really really really good now and only get up for potty breaks and the very occasional very quick shower.
You thought I had fun up to this point? Well, it just got better....He decided to start me on the progesterone shots (remember, they go in my tooshy). Oh yea! I am a wimp when it comes to shots and didn't want B to be traumatized by the experience so I had my husband take her out. The actual shot wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. The nurse said it was like a peanut butter shot so it took a while for her to give it to me. She also said it will get really really sore so I need to massage it and put heat packs on it. Then next week I get another shot on the opposite side. I looked at the shot RX the Dr gave me and it looks like they want me to take it once a week until I'm 32 weeks. I think by that point I will no longer be able to feel my rear end.
I go in next Monday to be checked again, I insisted at the appointment desk to see Dr. E. Dr. P told me to pack a hospital bag for that appointment to ward off bad luck...he teased that if I don't bring a bag I'll probably be admitted and if I do I probably won't.
Check back soon to see the 3D ultrasound of our baby girl!
I had to see Dr. P (AKA: Dr. Big Hands) because Dr. E was out of the office for some reason. Doctor P is a really nice doctor, we brought B with us to this appointment and he just went on and on about how cute she is. There is something about him that turns me off however, I'll tell you about it later when I get to that point.
The ultrasound tech checked all the babies heart beats and I asked her if she could do 3D ultrasound. I had heard rumor a couple appointments ago that in the month of June all the techs were going to start practicing their 3D ultrasound skills out. She said she would try but she really didn't know anything about it. We got a GREAT shot of our little girl. The little boys however were more difficult and I felt bad for our poor ultrasound tech. Baby A (boy) had the umbilical cord right in front of his face the whole time, she tried giggling my tummy to get it to move but it didn't work. Then Baby B (boy) was face planting it into my back, guess he's camera shy. I was grateful we got such a great shot of our little girl...it was REALLY neat. The boys were starting to wrestle in the womb already....when the tech was trying to get a good shot of A baby B stuck his foot right in his face...there's a membrane separating the two but it's really thin and I'm sure baby A wasn't too happy with this brother. I am on our lap top right now and can't scan the pictures but I will try to have my hubby do it for me tonight and I'll put them on this post as soon as he does.
Then was the lovely cervix check....warning to those that don't like/want to hear details. At first it measured almost 3 which isn't right at all because my last appt it was just barely 2.5 and cervix's can't grow. Now this is the reason why I'm not a big fan of Dr. P....he is a very rough doctor. Because it was showing 3 and he knew that wasn't accurate he started pushing on my stomach so as to apply pressure to my cervix to get an accurate measurement. HOLY COW did it hurt! It ended up measuring 1.8. NOT GOOD. I love how when you go in to the doctor and they don't say anything you automatically know it's not good. Dr. P then informed me he wanted to do an internal exam to ensure I wasn't dilating....oh great! For those of you that are avid readers of our blog (ha ha ha) a few posts back I mentioned how Dr. P examined me once when I was pregnant with B, and it was an experience I will never forget. Well his exam today topped that last one. It was horrible. Anyway, he determined I'm not dilating...yet...thank goodness.
Then he asked how much bed rest I was doing and I answered moderate. He said he wants me to live on my back. So I have to be really really really good now and only get up for potty breaks and the very occasional very quick shower.
You thought I had fun up to this point? Well, it just got better....He decided to start me on the progesterone shots (remember, they go in my tooshy). Oh yea! I am a wimp when it comes to shots and didn't want B to be traumatized by the experience so I had my husband take her out. The actual shot wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. The nurse said it was like a peanut butter shot so it took a while for her to give it to me. She also said it will get really really sore so I need to massage it and put heat packs on it. Then next week I get another shot on the opposite side. I looked at the shot RX the Dr gave me and it looks like they want me to take it once a week until I'm 32 weeks. I think by that point I will no longer be able to feel my rear end.
I go in next Monday to be checked again, I insisted at the appointment desk to see Dr. E. Dr. P told me to pack a hospital bag for that appointment to ward off bad luck...he teased that if I don't bring a bag I'll probably be admitted and if I do I probably won't.
Check back soon to see the 3D ultrasound of our baby girl!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Doctor Appointment Update
20 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant
So today I had my doctor's appointment to see if the home bed rest and nifedapine helped at all. Great news nothing has changed! I thought for sure they would keep me in the hospital today or I would be starting the progesterone shots because I've been having stronger contractions in the past week. But nope, I lucked out this week and my cervix hasn't changed at all from last week. What a relief. I was so stressed about it. From here on out I'm going to have appointments every week so I guess we'll see how long they'll keep me on home bed rest.
So today I had my doctor's appointment to see if the home bed rest and nifedapine helped at all. Great news nothing has changed! I thought for sure they would keep me in the hospital today or I would be starting the progesterone shots because I've been having stronger contractions in the past week. But nope, I lucked out this week and my cervix hasn't changed at all from last week. What a relief. I was so stressed about it. From here on out I'm going to have appointments every week so I guess we'll see how long they'll keep me on home bed rest.
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