Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
2 Month Check Up
The babies had their 2 month check up today. They wowed us all with how big they've gotten. They were such good babies when they got their shots....each one of them only wimpered for a minute and then they were back to their happy selves! The highlight of the appointment though was to hear that we can take them off their iron supplements and the premature formula (Enfamil Enfacare), that stuff was so expensive! Yipee!
Here's their stats:
7lbs. 6oz.
7lbs. 9oz.
7lbs. 3oz.
Because they were premature it will be a while before they are in the normal percentile in height and weight for their age. But they're getting close. Evan is the first to even tip-toe into a percentile he's at 1% for his weight. Woot, Woot!
Here's their stats:
7lbs. 6oz.
7lbs. 9oz.
7lbs. 3oz.
Because they were premature it will be a while before they are in the normal percentile in height and weight for their age. But they're getting close. Evan is the first to even tip-toe into a percentile he's at 1% for his weight. Woot, Woot!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Due Date
Today is the Triplet's offical due date. They'll be turning 2 months old this Sunday. What a weird feeling. I can't imagine if I would've made it this long before delivering. I was in so much pain when I did deliver it's hard to think what I would've felt like had I lasted as long as I should have. Or how big I would've been...Yikes!
The Triplets are Famous!
We had the opportunity to be on the news. They aired my interview early this morning and plan on airing it again this evening. To see my interview click on the link below.
Utah mom uses stop signs to protect triplets from swine flu - ABC - Salt Lake City, Utah News
Utah mom uses stop signs to protect triplets from swine flu - ABC - Salt Lake City, Utah News
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Evan's Eye Exam
So today was Evan's eye exam. In total we spend about 1 1/2 hours in the doctor's office. Let me be honest, it was not a very fun appointment. Luckily Evan was really really good and only cried during the actual procedure. My husband came with and he couldn't watch when they examined his eyes while I was staring horrified. They stick a metal clamp on his eyes to hold open the eyelids then this next part was quite disturbing to me so you might not want to continue reading....but they then take a metal pencil like object to push his eye on either side so they could look behind/to the side of it. It really was horrifying. Not all eye exams are this brutal so don't get nervous if you have to take your child in. The only reason they had to do this extensive of an exam was because he was so premature they had to check for a disease some premature babies get.
Well, long story short, we went in, it was brutal but Evan's eyes look normal. Woo Hoo!
Well, long story short, we went in, it was brutal but Evan's eyes look normal. Woo Hoo!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Things a Triplet Mom Can't Live Without!
Meet my new best friends:
Hawaii Medical Gum Drop Pacifiers. You are so much cuter than the big green hospital pacifiers. Lucky for me you have the same nipple so babies like you just as much. Not to mention you come in an assortment of colors so I can keep track of what belongs to who. One of my most favorite things about you, you come scented in vanilla. mmm.

Burp cloth how I love you. You have saved me time and time again from large amounts of drool and spit up. We have over 20 of you and still have to wash at least one, some times two loads of you a day in order to always have you handy.

Oh swing & bouncer combo I cannot fathom a night without you! You have given me the greatest gift of extra hour or two of sleep night after night. (I have 1 of these and wish I had 3)
Pack n Play Bassinet with storage underneath. You have kept me sane with your organization ability. Shelves we can store the things we use most...diapers, wipes, burp cloths and blankets. Not to mention you can hold all three babies at once, you have saved us so much space in our bedroom. (we easily removed the canopy and changing station, it gave us more room for babies)If we did not have you we would have had to get and find space for three separate bassinets.

Boppy Pillow you have given me power. I feel like a mom with three hands. With you I am able to feed two babies at once.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you have all 3 babies on the same schedule?
A: Fortunately, yes. That was one nice thing about having them in the NICU, they have a pretty tight schedule there and that set the babies up for when they came home.
Q: How often do they eat?
A: Every 3-4 hours. Usually 4. That's the nice thing about formula, they go longer in between feedings then our first baby did on breast milk (she ate every 2-3).
Q: How much do they eat?
A: When they very first came home 2 ounces every feeding. They're 7 weeks old now and just yesterday we upped their feeds to 3 ounces.
Q: What do they eat?
A: Right now they're on a premature formula. Enfamil's Enfacare. It is a special formula for premature basically has more calories than regular formula. I did pump and give them breast milk while they were in the NICU to speed their recovery, but I couldn't fathom the idea of breastfeeding 3 or even having time to pump when they were all home. Plus I can get more help from others if they are all feeding from bottles. However, I have talked to one or two triplet moms that chose to breastfeed, they both only breastfed for the first 3-6 months though.
Q: How many diapers do you go through?
A: We change their diapers at every feeding, but of course there's the occasional 'blow out'. So approx. 20 diapers per 24 hours.
Q: Are you co-sleeping them?
A: Yes, we have all 3 babies in a pack 'n play (bassinet) in our bedroom. They seem to like sleeping together. But I've talked to a few triplet moms whose babies did not like sleeping together. We'll see how long ours like to sleep together, I'm sure one of these days in the near future they'll start waking each other up and we'll have to sleep them separate.
Q: What help are you getting/using?
A: Because of their prematurity and RSV season starting soon we felt we needed to limit the amount of people in our home. So for now my mom comes and helps during the day. My hubby and I take on the nights by ourselves...Brave aren't we? I've talked to many triplet moms who required help at nights. Luckily, we have really really good babies and it helps that they're on the same schedule. Night feedings are definitely tougher than it would be with just one baby, but they are a lot better than they could be. Of course we have the occasional really rough night but we make up for those by taking a nap the next day. As far as meals we have been blessed and our local church organized some of it's members to bring us dinners during the week...this helps out a LOT.
Q: How is your 2 year old coping with all of this?
A: Remarkably well. But every child is different. Our little girl is very independent and likes her alone time so majority of the time she is too busy to notice or care about the babies. When she does notice them she is very sweet and kisses them on the head and then promptly says..."awww!". She isn't perfect however and there have been times where she wants to be held while we are already holding a baby...that's when the waterworks start. But as far as aggressiveness towards the babies, there is none.
Q: What were the doctor's instructions as far as exposure to the public?
A: They told us to the doctor's office and back is the only outing the babies get until March, they'll be about 7 months old then. This is due to the combination of their prematurity and RSV.
Q: Are your babies getting the RSV shots?
A: Yes, they qualified for the shots because they were born prematurely and they have a sibling at home. Those were some of the requirements in our area.
A: Fortunately, yes. That was one nice thing about having them in the NICU, they have a pretty tight schedule there and that set the babies up for when they came home.
Q: How often do they eat?
A: Every 3-4 hours. Usually 4. That's the nice thing about formula, they go longer in between feedings then our first baby did on breast milk (she ate every 2-3).
Q: How much do they eat?
A: When they very first came home 2 ounces every feeding. They're 7 weeks old now and just yesterday we upped their feeds to 3 ounces.
Q: What do they eat?
A: Right now they're on a premature formula. Enfamil's Enfacare. It is a special formula for premature basically has more calories than regular formula. I did pump and give them breast milk while they were in the NICU to speed their recovery, but I couldn't fathom the idea of breastfeeding 3 or even having time to pump when they were all home. Plus I can get more help from others if they are all feeding from bottles. However, I have talked to one or two triplet moms that chose to breastfeed, they both only breastfed for the first 3-6 months though.
Q: How many diapers do you go through?
A: We change their diapers at every feeding, but of course there's the occasional 'blow out'. So approx. 20 diapers per 24 hours.
Q: Are you co-sleeping them?
A: Yes, we have all 3 babies in a pack 'n play (bassinet) in our bedroom. They seem to like sleeping together. But I've talked to a few triplet moms whose babies did not like sleeping together. We'll see how long ours like to sleep together, I'm sure one of these days in the near future they'll start waking each other up and we'll have to sleep them separate.
Q: What help are you getting/using?
A: Because of their prematurity and RSV season starting soon we felt we needed to limit the amount of people in our home. So for now my mom comes and helps during the day. My hubby and I take on the nights by ourselves...Brave aren't we? I've talked to many triplet moms who required help at nights. Luckily, we have really really good babies and it helps that they're on the same schedule. Night feedings are definitely tougher than it would be with just one baby, but they are a lot better than they could be. Of course we have the occasional really rough night but we make up for those by taking a nap the next day. As far as meals we have been blessed and our local church organized some of it's members to bring us dinners during the week...this helps out a LOT.
Q: How is your 2 year old coping with all of this?
A: Remarkably well. But every child is different. Our little girl is very independent and likes her alone time so majority of the time she is too busy to notice or care about the babies. When she does notice them she is very sweet and kisses them on the head and then promptly says..."awww!". She isn't perfect however and there have been times where she wants to be held while we are already holding a baby...that's when the waterworks start. But as far as aggressiveness towards the babies, there is none.
Q: What were the doctor's instructions as far as exposure to the public?
A: They told us to the doctor's office and back is the only outing the babies get until March, they'll be about 7 months old then. This is due to the combination of their prematurity and RSV.
Q: Are your babies getting the RSV shots?
A: Yes, they qualified for the shots because they were born prematurely and they have a sibling at home. Those were some of the requirements in our area.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Babies Debute
We had the babies pictures taken yesterday and they turned out AMAZING!
To see a sneak peak click HERE
To see a sneak peak click HERE
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