Tuesday, August 31, 2010

This is our life...


(click on the link above)

This video of a fellow triplet family truly describes our life. This is exactly how it is whenever we try to go anywhere. Costco, Walmart, the zoo, the park.....anywhere. I swear all we hear is "boy you've got your hands full".  We can't go anywhere without getting interrupted.

Here are a couple doosies that we've experienced:

*One time I was at the zoo all by myself with all four kids. My 3 year old was throwing a tantrum and I decided we just needed to get home. So I picked her up---she was screaming and kicking mind you so holding her was no easy task. While trying to hold her in my arms i was pushing the triplets in the stroller UP HILL and two ladies decided to stop me in the middle of the hill "wait wait wait...stop. can we see your babies? those are triplets?!" they just wanted to make small talk and i was at the end of my rope. Could they not see my kicking three year old in  my arms, my bright read face, hear me gasping for air while trying to push the stroller up hill?

*Shopping with my babies I was trying to pay at a register and my babies were fussy in the stroller because it was the end of the shopping trip. I turn to find some man I don't know picking up Mason who was in the very front of the stroller to help adjust him in his seat.  I know he was trying to do something nice but I was in shock that a total stranger would touch my child without even asking me.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1 Year Check-Up

The Triplets had their 12 month/1 year check up yesterday. Boy was it crazy! Babies crawling all over the exam room pinching fingers in cabinets and trying to un-plug equipment. That appointment was definitely a work out! The babies are all looking healthy other than all 3 having ear infections. Poor babies. Positive note is we get to start cows milk...no more formula, yay! Plus we can turn the kids around in their car seats to forward facing. Even though they aren't quite 20 pounds yet the Dr. gave us the OK. Just these two milestones are huge! Now instead of spending $26 a week on formula we can spend $2.00 a week on milk. Car rides will be a lot easier with them facing forward as well. The shots went alright. They didn't cry too long. Evan did decide to hold his breath again though, when he decided to start breathing again he cried pretty hard and then as we were leaving puked all over. Poor kid, he takes everything too personally---he's so sensitive. Sad note: we had to switch doctors because we moved and the commute was just getting too difficult. It was really sad to have to switch the kids from an amazing doctor. Hopefully we can find another great doctor that can fill his shoes. Enough jabbering...here's the kiddo's new measurements!


Weight: 18 lbs 8 oz  (4%)
Length:  29.0 " (24%)
Head circumference: 18.5 " (68%)


Weight:  19 lbs 2 oz  (6%)
Length:  29.0 "  (24%)
Head Circumference:  18.9 "  (89%)


Weight:  18 lbs 8 oz  (14%)
Length:  28.5 "  (29%)
Head Circumference:  18.5 "  (93%)

My kids always have big heads! I'm happy they're all in a percentile for every category now!
I was mistaken and on my F.B. I said Maddy and Mason were 18 lbs 13 oz. OOPS! dang mommy brain.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Triplets are ONE!

I can't believe a year has gone by already. It definitely bitter-sweet to see all of my kids grow up so fast. It's fun to see all the new things they are learning and doing but sad to look back at pictures and see how fast time has gone by. I wish I could bottle up a favorite moment from each year and revisit it whenever I want...wouldn't that be nice?
The babies are so smart I think I underestimate them sometimes.  Here are there 1 year milestones:


* Still doing the "push off" crawl. This is where he lays flat on his belly and pushes off with his toes while dragging himself with his arms. It is the funniest site. Surprisingly he can get around pretty fast!

* He doesn't really jabber as much as the other two but he does all ways say "ooo gooo" and gurgles. It's really cute.

* Mason is just learning how to pull himself up on things...but just to his knees he's not strong enough on his feet yet.

* He has the funniest way of feeding himself he'll grab a piece of food in the palm of his hand make a fist and squeeze it up thru the top of his hand and put it in his mouth....every time.

* I think I've mentioned this before but Mason gave up his pacifier a few months ago. I don't think we'll be as lucky with him giving up the bottle. He loves his bottle. I've tried every sippy cup out there and he won't drink out of any of them. We used to let him go to bed with a bottle since he gave up the binky and still needed something to soothe him to sleep but we finally broke that habit.

* Mason is still the silent observer. He always seems so serious, but by the faces he makes you can tell he's really concentrating and thinking hard about things. He is a smarty pants and ALL BOY!


* Evan is our only "normal crawler" and boy can he cruise! He is fast.

* He's learning to pull himself up on things as well...mostly just to his knees but he can stand on his feet if you help him get up to that point.

* He's just starting to "jabber" and just says the normal "dada" "gaga".

* Evan is a big softy. He is a total mommy's boy and loves to cuddle with me. he gives big wet kisses. He's also a big sissy and cries about almost everything.

* He can drink out of a straw and loves it! I'm going to try to switch to the straw sippies soon.

* He loves his bink and I have no idea how I'll take it away, I'm really nervous about it.


* She still does the one leg drag crawl but she does try the "normal" crawl more often now.

* her 2 bottom teeth are so close to breaking thru i can tell because she has been waking up every night and she's been way clingy, not to mention her gums are all swollen and i can see a little white thing under the surface.

* she's our best talker out of the 3. she says "dad" perfectly and she says "mama" when she's sad or hurt and crawls up to me wanting me to hold her...it melts my heart.

* Madison pulls up on EVERYTHING. She walks along furniture all day. Just the other day she stood on her own without holding on to anything for about 15 seconds.  I think she will be our 1st walker.

* Madison also loves to drink out of a straw...you can tell she thinks she's a big girl.

* She is miss sassy pants and loves to tease/beat up on her siblings.

I still can't believe they are 1! Our first year went by so fast. I can't believe it...it seriously was a whirlwind. Although there are some things that are difficult about having triplets I wouldn't trade it in for anything. I love our triplets, they are such sweet easy babies. They are such a special part of our family and I can't imagine life without them! Love you babies! Can't wait for the many fun adventures ahead of us in the years to come!