Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hospital Update 3

26 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant

Ready for my weekly hospital update?

All the days here are starting to moosh into one so let me try to remember what has happened since I last posted.

They checked my cervix last Friday and it's shorter. It's at 1cm. They didn't check the dilation because they don't want to mess with anything and make it worse. I asked my doctor yesterday when they'd check the length of my cervix again and he said not for a while. maybe at 28 weeks but again they don't want to mess with anything.

I have to get my blood drawn every 3 days so they can have an updated version of my blood on file in case I deliver and need a blood transfusion. Let me tell you, I'm starting to get used to getting shots, since I get them every Monday. But I'm still not used to having my blood's not very fun.

Now I have stress tests twice weekly (Tuesdays and Fridays). For those of you that don't know what stress tests are I'll give a brief explanation. It is were they use an ultrasound to check 3 things. They measure the fluid around the babies, they watch the babies for 'fetal breathing' (babies mimic breathing in the womb), and they check for big movements like a big kick or a big arm movement. Then they put monitors on my tummy for a certain length of time (usually around 20 minutes) and monitor the babies heart rates and my contractions.

Today I had an ultrasound to measure the babies growth. I have growth ultrasounds once every 3 weeks.

The babies all looked GREAT. Here's their measurements:

Baby A 2lbs 1oz.
Baby B 2lbs 3oz.
baby C 2lbs 5oz.

So basically I'm carrying about 6 pounds of baby.

My stomach has been rapidly growing (sorry I haven't taken pictures recently, I don't have a camera here at the hospital, as soon as I get one I will take a picture and post it). I thought overall I was doing pretty well though. Ya, I'm getting quite uncomfortable. I'm the size I was when I delivered B...I'll have to try and post pictures to compare. Anyway, I thought I was doing pretty well comfort-wise considering I'm carrying three babies....but today was the first big actual sign I'm carrying multiples.

I was laying down on the ultrasound table. It is quite flat and hard. An OB Doctor that is training to become a specialist wanted a try at doing my ultrasound so he was doing my ultrasound. Because he is TRAINING however he was taking quite a long time and pushing quite hard, I thought. Well, all of a sudden I think the laying flat on my back got to me because I couldn't breath and my head was spinning. I told him I needed a break and I sat up to try and catch my breath. He sat and waited. A couple minutes later after I caught my breath I layed back down for round two. I only lasted 2 minutes this time before the symptoms were getting worse and I felt as if I would faint any moment. So I sat back up and he said he'd go get a tech that could finish the ultrasound a lot quicker than himself. Well, all the techs were busy so he got started again for round three...thankfully when I started feel really faint this time a tech came in and she could tell just by looking at me that something was wrong so she rushed over and sat me up and told the doctor to go get me some water. While I was resting my doctor came in and he noticed too that I wasn't feeling well so he stayed with me for the remainder of the ultrasound.

Ugh what an awful feeling! I have never fainted before...what a yucky experience! I think I'm finally starting to feel the effects of carrying multiples.

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