Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hospital Update 5

29 Weeks Pregnant

4 Weeks and 2 Days in the Hospital...

No change as of my last post and nothing new and exciting to post about.

I can tell you however after being in the hospital for so long I think my mental health is starting to go downhill. I guess the no sleep, no privacy, claustrophobic room, nasty food, compression stalkings and overall atmosphere of the hospital can do that to you though. (I could've made the list a considerable amount longer but I didn't want to bore any of you or cause myself to start the waterworks)

I have a semi-funny story. Well, I'm not at the point where I think it's funny, it still makes me upset but everyone else I seem to tell it to thinks it's hilarious.

So being in the hospital you have absolutely no privacy, as I'm sure some of you have experienced. With Doctors, Nurses, CNA's, Residents, Dietitians, Housekeeping, Church representatives, Phlebotomy, NICU Representatives, and Social Workers coming in and out all day my door might as well be a revolving door. It gets old after a while and I think the only way to get privacy must be to lock myself in the bathroom, which I have done on a few occasions to cry, I don't want anyone to walk in on my sob-fest. Well, back to my'd think escaping to the bathroom would provide privacy, right? Wrong. While I've either been "taking care of business" or showering I've had the housekeeping walk in on me twice and multiple times I've had the little old couples that are church representatives come knock on my bathroom door while I'm showering....which I find kind of odd because I've been in bed spreading cocoa butter on my tummy on a few occasions when they've stopped by and the wives always shield the husbands from my exposed belly...but yet they feel comfortable knocking on my bathroom door while I'm showering...hmm. Maybe someday that will seem funny to me, but for now it just makes me more upset.

I finally requested a "Do Not Disturb" sign. So far, so good. The Nurses, CNA's and Doctors still just come in, but that's to be expected. I think it will take care of the rest of the unwanted visitors....but only time will tell.

And I've unplugged my phone in my room. I've been getting a lot of phone calls...and I'm not big on phone calls, especially when I'm trying to nap.

Sorry if this is all negative. It's just my life for right now and I guess writing about some of it makes me feel a little better.

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