Friday, January 22, 2010

wondering how

we accomplish feeding all three babies at once?


this is how.


  1. Oh my gosh, that is SO cute but at the same time I can't even imagine. My visiting teacher has quads (they're 5 years old now) and was telling me about feeding them all when they were babies. I sure admire you for being able to handle it all!

  2. I love this picture!! They are so cute!

  3. Oh my goodness! You guys are so funny! But, ok, now the nurse in me thinks, "don't you dare let them choke!"

  4. ha ha ha! susan...your comment made me laugh. i was hesitating posting this pic cause i knew it would make you worried.
    don't worry. we didn't start feeding them like this until they'd been home a couple months. and we watch them VERY closely. :)

  5. Hi there,
    I'm not new to your blog. I've been following all along. However, this is the first time I've gotten myself organized enough to get signed in to blogspot. I write today to say "Good Job, Mom and Dad." You two are amazing! Bless you all.
    Love from a Dixon Grandma (Athena)

  6. I have a similar pic of my trio but I like yours better! You have to get creative when you've got three babies to feed.
