Wednesday, March 10, 2010

recent pictures

things have been getting more and more crazy busy as they get older. in some aspects life is getting easier, in other ways it's getting harder. but we're enjoying every minute with these precious babies!

today i finally had a few minutes were all 3 were happy and i didn't have anything i needed to be getting done so we had a mini photo shoot. it lasted all of 10 minutes before they were done. but we got a few cute pictures.

i'm not a professional so don't expect anything grand. i just have fun with my nikon and adobe cs4. it was fun doing this, i haven't had time to take pictures and play around in photoshop for quite a while. they are.

oh and i'm not going to label who the babies are...i'd like to see you all guess!




man is it hard to get 3 babies posed just so and all smiling!

and yes i'm going to start writing our blog name on all the pictures in order to make it harder for people to steal them.

if you ever want copies of any pictures i post without the writing contact me and i'll e-mail you a copy.


  1. They're so cute! And I think the order they're in is L-R, Mason, Madison, Evan? I at least know Madison is in the middle. :)

  2. Love you're photo shoot - you can totally tell which one Madison is, and I think I know which one Evan is which rules it out for me which one Mason is :) {If that made an sense!} They are adorable!

  3. Wow, I can't believe you have triplets. I just saw your blog and your little ones are adorable! It looks like it would be crazy but it must be fun. Congratulations.

  4. OH MY GOODNESS! They are so incredibly cute!!!!! Mares you are doing such a great job being a mom! Thanks for your comment on my post. I'm hoping to be okay. haha :S Your kids are super cute!
