Friday, May 28, 2010

9 Months Old

mason - madison - evan

On May 18th the babies turned 9 months old.

Has it really been 9 months since they were born? I can't believe it!

Milestones they have reached are:

* Sitting
* Holding Bottles
* Baby Talk: "Da Da, Ma Ma, Naw Naw"

He is still our serious inquisitive baby. He studies everyone and everything. He usually has a very concentrating look on his face, sometimes it's mis-interpreted for being grumpy. It is usually pretty hard to get a smile or laugh out of him but he's a total daddy's boy and daddy can get him to smile just by looking at him, and laughing....that's easy for daddy. He is usually pretty quiet and doesn't talk/jabber much, but he has the loudest cry/scream we have ever joke. He doesn't even work up to it with a whine or whimper. Nope he gets straight to the point. If he cries in the middle of the night we have to run into his bedroom and quiet him down or he'll wake everyone up.

He is our happy giggly boy. He smiles and laughs at anyone and everything. He is definitely a little social butterfly. He has a squeal/scream that sounds just like brighton's, it's hilarious. He is a total mommy's boy though and gets his feelings hurt very easily and will cry for a long time over something really small. He loves to eat, he will eat anything in sight even if he doesn't like the taste he'll just make a funny face but keep eating. Daddy likes to tease him and hold out big people food in front of his mouth, Evan will open his mouth wide waiting for a bite. Evan loves big sister i have a feeling he'll be following her all over the house as soon as he's mobile.

She is a funny mixture of all girl and a little tom boy. Talks and talks and talks all day long. She loves to pick on her brothers and she's very smart. If Mason grabs her ear, she'll scream and grab his ear back.  Her and Mason have a love-hate relationship they'll pick on each other but if Evan's around they'll team up and pick on him. Just in the past week we've caught her and Mason pulling Evan down to the ground and trying to chew on his head...sounds brutal but it's actually kind of cute to see babies pick on each other. She is a toy stealer, doesn't matter if she just got a new toy, if she sees me hand a toy to one of her brothers she reaches out and snatches it away from them only to drop it two seconds later.

Happy 9 months babies!


  1. Oh, thank you for the update! Congrats on 9 months, they seem to be meeting their milestones just great. I love to hear of their different personalities. Madison is going to be quite the tease!

  2. Mary,

    Oh they are SO cute!!! I totally want to meet them. I love the different personalities... Madison sounds just like my Taylor. They have to be tough to grow up with 2 brothers. Too fun.

  3. I love how the picture portrays their personalities! And I love the pictures on the right. You're such a great mommy!

  4. Love this picture! What cuties. I'm so glad you told a little bit about each of them. They are so cute and fun. Just watch out when our girls all get together, they are tough cookies and love to pick on everyone :) LOL!

  5. One of my friends came across your blog and mentioned it to me when she found out that I was pregnant with two boys and a girl and that I too had a little girl. My triplets are now 7 weeks old and I have loved following your blog! You have given me hope and answers during late night feedings! Thank you! I have a few more questions for you. Would you mind emailing me your email address and I will email you back with some questions I have? My email address is
