Friday, May 28, 2010

9 Months Old

mason - madison - evan

On May 18th the babies turned 9 months old.

Has it really been 9 months since they were born? I can't believe it!

Milestones they have reached are:

* Sitting
* Holding Bottles
* Baby Talk: "Da Da, Ma Ma, Naw Naw"

He is still our serious inquisitive baby. He studies everyone and everything. He usually has a very concentrating look on his face, sometimes it's mis-interpreted for being grumpy. It is usually pretty hard to get a smile or laugh out of him but he's a total daddy's boy and daddy can get him to smile just by looking at him, and laughing....that's easy for daddy. He is usually pretty quiet and doesn't talk/jabber much, but he has the loudest cry/scream we have ever joke. He doesn't even work up to it with a whine or whimper. Nope he gets straight to the point. If he cries in the middle of the night we have to run into his bedroom and quiet him down or he'll wake everyone up.

He is our happy giggly boy. He smiles and laughs at anyone and everything. He is definitely a little social butterfly. He has a squeal/scream that sounds just like brighton's, it's hilarious. He is a total mommy's boy though and gets his feelings hurt very easily and will cry for a long time over something really small. He loves to eat, he will eat anything in sight even if he doesn't like the taste he'll just make a funny face but keep eating. Daddy likes to tease him and hold out big people food in front of his mouth, Evan will open his mouth wide waiting for a bite. Evan loves big sister i have a feeling he'll be following her all over the house as soon as he's mobile.

She is a funny mixture of all girl and a little tom boy. Talks and talks and talks all day long. She loves to pick on her brothers and she's very smart. If Mason grabs her ear, she'll scream and grab his ear back.  Her and Mason have a love-hate relationship they'll pick on each other but if Evan's around they'll team up and pick on him. Just in the past week we've caught her and Mason pulling Evan down to the ground and trying to chew on his head...sounds brutal but it's actually kind of cute to see babies pick on each other. She is a toy stealer, doesn't matter if she just got a new toy, if she sees me hand a toy to one of her brothers she reaches out and snatches it away from them only to drop it two seconds later.

Happy 9 months babies!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sisterly Love

Big sister giving Evan a hug...

(where is evan???)

This is a little better, but it looks like she's got him in a choke-hold...

Ahh....there we go. Much better...

Big Sister LOVES her baby brothers and sister. Not once have we seen her show jealousy or hit....although she is known to steal their toys if they look like fun.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

triplet play date

we love triplet play dates!


madison - evan - mason - molly - hunter - madison

yes, in both sets of triplets there's a madison. this set of triplets is only 3 weeks older than ours!

Monday, May 17, 2010

holding our own bottles!

YAY babies!  Only took 8 long months...

mason - madison - evan

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010



Madison and Evan are official "sitters" now. They're still a tad wobbly but they're doing better and better every day!

*Oh, and a side note....They're almost pro's at holding their own bottles. Mason is the master bottle holder and Maddy and Evan are still working on it, but doing pretty good. You have NO idea how much this helps Mommy out! Yay babies!


mason - evan

Hopefully this isn't too personal for some of you. If it is then just skip this post.

Due to the boys prematurity and the Hospital's rules where they were born they were unable to be circumcised at birth.  When they came home at 4 weeks old there was the possibility of being able to do the circumcision then but our physician was too nervous about their age and that it might pose a bleeding risk. Our doctor referred us to a Urologist at Primary Children's Medical Center. Finally at 8 months old we were able to have the boys circumcised but it was quite the ordeal. Because of how old they were they had to be put under general anesthesia (or put to sleep) for the procedure.  Because of this they had to fast from midnight the night before until the actual surgery. They wanted us to come in at 9 and the surgery was scheduled for 10:30. We were there around 9:15 (it's hard to be on time when you have 4 kids!). We were in the surgery waiting room with plenty of time to spare before the surgery but because the doctor was running behind schedule they didn't get started on Mason until 12:00! Poor baby boys. I was SO nervous. Not only for the procedure itself, it's such a scary thought. We were also nervous for with-holding food from them for so  long. I didn't want to see them hungry, they didn't understand. I was SO nervous that the whole night before I layed awake in bed all night, praying and worrying. All the praying really worked because amazingly enough the boys didn't fuss, not ONCE before they were taken into surgery. They took a nap and then whined a little bit but nothing compared to the other kids we saw there kicking and screaming on the floor.
Anyway, the picture above, the boys are in their surgical gear waiting to be called back.
So the circumcision was done, it wasn't nearly as bad as we thought it would be, but we're VERY grateful it's all over with now!