Friday, July 24, 2009

Hospital Update 4

27 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

Well, things here are just getting more and more boring. Which is good and bad.
I had two stress tests this past week that were successful, both took about 2 or more hours...ugh.
I'm still getting the progesterone shots every Monday....lovely. :)
Spoke with my doctor yesterday and he's still going to hold off on checking my dilation....again, he doesn't want to make things worse. The next time he'll check is if I start contracting more/harder or he said if I make it to 32 weeks and haven't delivered he'll check me and if I haven't changed he'll let me go home. I have a feeling that I will either deliver before that point or I will have definitely progressed and my dilation will be further along. So I'm not getting my hopes up.
I've picked up crocheting the edges of blankets and burp clothes. I did this while on bed rest with Brighton as well.
I'm still reading, occasionally, I have to admit after reading 6 books in the past 3 weeks I've been here i'm getting kinda sick of reading so I've been taking a break from that this past week.

oooo.....contraction....hang on a sec.

Since yesterday I've been experiencing more contractions it seems like, either that or I'm noticing them more. Don't worry, I've been timing them and informing my nurses. But I'm not too concerned....yet.
I just looked at my pregnancy ticker at the side of my blog....I can't believe I have less than 100 days until my due date! I know I won't make it to my due date but somehow knowing it's under 100 days makes me excited.
My stomach is now definitely bigger than it was when I delivered B. It is getting very hard to sit or stand up (I might be getting carpel tunnel from from pushing up off my bed)...bending over is now impossible, have to pick things up with my toes. Another lovely side affect is the stretch marks that are making their appearance around my belly button.
My last pregnancy I didn't get any on my stomach, I just got them all over my thighs and waist. Well, this pregnancy it's vise-versa. None on my thighs or waist....but they're popping up on my tummy. They aren't horrible yet but I know before long my stomach will no longer look like a stomach. My skin is starting to hurt...sometimes it's really sensitive to the touch...I think it's stretched almost to the max....can't imagine how much bigger I'll get.
Well, I can't think of anything else new. Told you it's getting boring.
I guess this is it until next week...unless something exciting happens between now and then and I can't contain it.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hospital Update 3

26 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant

Ready for my weekly hospital update?

All the days here are starting to moosh into one so let me try to remember what has happened since I last posted.

They checked my cervix last Friday and it's shorter. It's at 1cm. They didn't check the dilation because they don't want to mess with anything and make it worse. I asked my doctor yesterday when they'd check the length of my cervix again and he said not for a while. maybe at 28 weeks but again they don't want to mess with anything.

I have to get my blood drawn every 3 days so they can have an updated version of my blood on file in case I deliver and need a blood transfusion. Let me tell you, I'm starting to get used to getting shots, since I get them every Monday. But I'm still not used to having my blood's not very fun.

Now I have stress tests twice weekly (Tuesdays and Fridays). For those of you that don't know what stress tests are I'll give a brief explanation. It is were they use an ultrasound to check 3 things. They measure the fluid around the babies, they watch the babies for 'fetal breathing' (babies mimic breathing in the womb), and they check for big movements like a big kick or a big arm movement. Then they put monitors on my tummy for a certain length of time (usually around 20 minutes) and monitor the babies heart rates and my contractions.

Today I had an ultrasound to measure the babies growth. I have growth ultrasounds once every 3 weeks.

The babies all looked GREAT. Here's their measurements:

Baby A 2lbs 1oz.
Baby B 2lbs 3oz.
baby C 2lbs 5oz.

So basically I'm carrying about 6 pounds of baby.

My stomach has been rapidly growing (sorry I haven't taken pictures recently, I don't have a camera here at the hospital, as soon as I get one I will take a picture and post it). I thought overall I was doing pretty well though. Ya, I'm getting quite uncomfortable. I'm the size I was when I delivered B...I'll have to try and post pictures to compare. Anyway, I thought I was doing pretty well comfort-wise considering I'm carrying three babies....but today was the first big actual sign I'm carrying multiples.

I was laying down on the ultrasound table. It is quite flat and hard. An OB Doctor that is training to become a specialist wanted a try at doing my ultrasound so he was doing my ultrasound. Because he is TRAINING however he was taking quite a long time and pushing quite hard, I thought. Well, all of a sudden I think the laying flat on my back got to me because I couldn't breath and my head was spinning. I told him I needed a break and I sat up to try and catch my breath. He sat and waited. A couple minutes later after I caught my breath I layed back down for round two. I only lasted 2 minutes this time before the symptoms were getting worse and I felt as if I would faint any moment. So I sat back up and he said he'd go get a tech that could finish the ultrasound a lot quicker than himself. Well, all the techs were busy so he got started again for round three...thankfully when I started feel really faint this time a tech came in and she could tell just by looking at me that something was wrong so she rushed over and sat me up and told the doctor to go get me some water. While I was resting my doctor came in and he noticed too that I wasn't feeling well so he stayed with me for the remainder of the ultrasound.

Ugh what an awful feeling! I have never fainted before...what a yucky experience! I think I'm finally starting to feel the effects of carrying multiples.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hospital Update 2

25 Weeks 4 Days Pregnant


I've decided from here on out I will write an update once weekly on my blog.

It's just getting old telling the same story over and over again. Plus it seems like whenever I get a text, phone call or e-mail asking for an update five billion things happen at once...they bring a meal, the nurse comes in to give me medication, or a doctor comes in to check on me.

I just figure it's easier this way. Everyone can be informed this way.

I finally saw my Doctor today. I feel relieved and reassured after talking with him.

He apparently didn't know I was admitted until yesterday. I had told every single nurse and doctor to contact him from the minute I was admitted but apparently they brushed me aside.

How he found out was he realized he hadn't seen me this past Monday. We have appointments every Monday. So he thought maybe his schedule was too booked for me to get in and I saw another doctor. He checked the database and couldn't find me in there at all. He called Dr. P (aka Dr. Big Hands) and bawled him out for not letting him know he'd admitted me.

He felt horrible and kept apologizing. He feels bad I'm in the hospital and have to leave B at home. He offered to bring me movies.

In my earlier post I mentioned my blood pressure is normally low and the medication they're giving me to stop contractions makes it even lower. Well the other day I told one of the residents or doctors that it was really bothering me. They were giving me the meds when my blood pressure was dangerously low and I was beginning to have really uncomfortable symptoms. I was extremely dizzy, my palms had big red splotches all over and my whole body was red-looked like i was blushing and i felt hot.

So the doctor I told this to wrote an order to the nurses that there was a limit on my blood pressure if it went below a certain point they couldn't give me the medication.

After I go to sleep at night my blood pressure goes so low they can't give me the meds but the nurses still come in to check and see if they can give me my meds, and it's always too low to give it to me. Well nurses up to this point after they see it's too low wait at least 4 hours before checking my blood pressure again...they're nice and try to let me get as much sleep as possible.

Last night's nurse however felt it was SO important that I take my meds she was coming in every hour on the dot to check my blood pressure in hopes it would go up and she could give me the meds.

Needless to say, last night was horrible.

I told Dr. E and he wrote an order that the nurses are not to bother me between 12-8, if I am experiencing contractions I will contact my nurse and they will give me the meds. Hoo-Rah! Hopefully I can get some solid sleep now!

Dr. E also told me to just expect to be in the hospital the duration of my pregnancy. He said there is a SLIGHT possibility of me going home. This is dependent upon my cervix not making ANY change from the last time they measured it. He didn't really give me a specific date to look forward to that will be the point they let me home if nothing has changed. He did say however if on the slight chance I get to go home I should expect to only be home a couple weeks before I get put back in.

He just wants me here in case anything were to happen. Everything is right here easily accessible for the preemie babies and my care.

Even though I didn't really receive any GREAT news today I feel so much better after having seen my doctor. Relieved. I feel more comfortable now. Even though he said he can't come see me every day he will be looking over my case and see me as often as possible...hopefully once weekly. I feel like I can breathe now.

Now back to watching TLC, reading Mary Higgins Clark and eating graham crackers...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

"You're Just Barely Alive"?!?!?!

25 Weeks Pregnant

Last night's sleep was a heck of a lot better than my previous night's sleep in Labor and Delivery. It was oh so nice.

I had the worst possible wake up this morning however...

The medications they're giving me every 6 hours to slow/stop my contractions are actually pills they normally use for high blood pressure. So every 6 hours I have to have my blood pressure checked to make sure it's not too low before they can give me another dose. My blood pressure is always normally low without taking these medications. Well all last night it was just on the border-line of too low to give me the medications...but I barely met the cut off so they were able to give them to me last night.

This morning however my CNA comes in around 6:30 and checks my blood pressure...she asks if my blood pressure is normally low and I answer yes...then her response is,

"Well, it's so low right now you're just barely alive!"

She finishes up typing in the computer then as she's leaving she says, "Go back to sleep you still have an hour until breakfast....oh and happy Independence Day!"

WHAT THE?!?!?!

Who says that kind of thing and then expects me to go back to sleep? LOL.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Great News!

24 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

Around 2:30 they gave me my last dose of the steriod shots and checked my cervix....

Somehow it went down from 2 to 1+. YEAH!

They also got my contractions so they're almost completely gone. I only experience maybe 1 per hour verses the every 2-8 minutes I was having them before.

Because I'm doing so well they moved me out of labor and delivery and into an "anti-pardom" room. Two wonderful things about this room.... I don't get bugged nearly as much...nights will be reasonably quiet and I get to take showers now....WAHOO!!! That was the first thing I did when I got moved into my new room.

I feel so relieved and might I mention that I smell nice now too? :)

I will be plenty bored here in the hospital...unless circumstances change and things get crazy again. So expect an update everytime I know something new.

Hospital Update

24 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

I get my second(and last) dose of the steriod shots for the babies lungs at 2:30. They're going to check me at that point and if everything looks the same/there has been no change in my cervix, then I will be able to move into a regular room outside of the labor and delivery....which also means I get to take a shower(finally!)...woo hoo! cross your fingers and say a little prayer for me!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Admitted To The Hospital

24 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant

Today I was admitted to the hospital. I went in for one of my twice weekly appointments and my cervix measured the same but Dr. P....yes, I get all the luck, the day I get admitted I get a pelvic exam with Dr. Big Hands. Don't get me wrong he's a great doctor and knows what he's doing but holy cow I think HE might have put me into labor.
Well, he said I was dialated to a 2. So I got to stay in the hospital.
Sarah, you were totally right....being admitted with nobody there is very traumatizing. I couldn't stop crying for some reason. It stunk big time because here I am by myself bawling and they checked me in then took me to labor and delivery and started poking and about a bazillion tests and got one of the steroid shots for the babies lungs....not pretty. Ya, it would have been a lot less traumatic if I had my hubby or mom there.
Now I'm hooked up to a contraction monitor...looks like i've been having contractions steadily roughly 8 minutes apart. Some I can feel, others I can't. I'm still on nifedapine but they added another medication that basically does the same thing as nifedapine.
My Doctor, Dr. E is out of town for the weekend. Dr. P came in a couple hours ago and said they are going to keep me in labor and delivery until probably tomorrow sometime so they can keep monitoring my contractions and the babies heart rates. All three babies are still doing great. Just my silly body won't hold on to pregnancies full term for some reason.
Because I'm still in labor and delivery and the nurses are in and out all the time and my privacy is scarce when they're in...modesty obviously isn't a concern right now. I'd appreciate no visitors for right now until things calm down and they move me out of labor and delivery.
Sigh....I'm looking forward to a great sleepless night in the labor and delivery by myself without my hubby(can you hear the sarcasm?). He brought B for a couple hours but her teething and terrible twos took over and the tantrums showed up so he had to take her home.
Overall I'm in good spirits. I just wish I knew what to expect next.