Friday, July 24, 2009

Hospital Update 4

27 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

Well, things here are just getting more and more boring. Which is good and bad.
I had two stress tests this past week that were successful, both took about 2 or more hours...ugh.
I'm still getting the progesterone shots every Monday....lovely. :)
Spoke with my doctor yesterday and he's still going to hold off on checking my dilation....again, he doesn't want to make things worse. The next time he'll check is if I start contracting more/harder or he said if I make it to 32 weeks and haven't delivered he'll check me and if I haven't changed he'll let me go home. I have a feeling that I will either deliver before that point or I will have definitely progressed and my dilation will be further along. So I'm not getting my hopes up.
I've picked up crocheting the edges of blankets and burp clothes. I did this while on bed rest with Brighton as well.
I'm still reading, occasionally, I have to admit after reading 6 books in the past 3 weeks I've been here i'm getting kinda sick of reading so I've been taking a break from that this past week.

oooo.....contraction....hang on a sec.

Since yesterday I've been experiencing more contractions it seems like, either that or I'm noticing them more. Don't worry, I've been timing them and informing my nurses. But I'm not too concerned....yet.
I just looked at my pregnancy ticker at the side of my blog....I can't believe I have less than 100 days until my due date! I know I won't make it to my due date but somehow knowing it's under 100 days makes me excited.
My stomach is now definitely bigger than it was when I delivered B. It is getting very hard to sit or stand up (I might be getting carpel tunnel from from pushing up off my bed)...bending over is now impossible, have to pick things up with my toes. Another lovely side affect is the stretch marks that are making their appearance around my belly button.
My last pregnancy I didn't get any on my stomach, I just got them all over my thighs and waist. Well, this pregnancy it's vise-versa. None on my thighs or waist....but they're popping up on my tummy. They aren't horrible yet but I know before long my stomach will no longer look like a stomach. My skin is starting to hurt...sometimes it's really sensitive to the touch...I think it's stretched almost to the max....can't imagine how much bigger I'll get.
Well, I can't think of anything else new. Told you it's getting boring.
I guess this is it until next week...unless something exciting happens between now and then and I can't contain it.

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