Sunday, July 25, 2010

11 Months Old


Babies milestones at 11 months old:

Madison and Evan are crawling and they both drink pretty well out of sipper cups. Madison still says "ma ma & da da"  She also shakes her head when we tell her no. Madison can pull herself up on everything and anything which makes nap time a challenge. Evan is starting to pull up but he's not as good as Madison yet. Evan has 2 teeth, Madison 0 & Mason 0. Mason is attempting crawling but it's not really a crawl he lays flat on his tummy and pulls with his hands and pushes off with his feet straight. They are sleeping better for the most part but we're still working on it....I can't wait til we can go to sleep at night and not have to wonder/worry if they'll get up that night and how many times. All the babies are starting to eat more solids. They are trying new things every day. Evan loves everything new we introduce....he loves his food! Madison and Mason are pretty good too. I try to feed them 3 solid meals a day and a snack or two. Then I am still giving them between 3-4, 6 oz bottles a day. I hope next month we can switch completely to sippers since we'll hopefully be getting off of formula (YAY!) and onto cow's milk.

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