Monday, October 25, 2010

What's New...

In the past few months:

*All 3 babies got tubes in their ears due to repeat ear infections and all 3 of them failing their hearing tests because the fluid was so thick in their ears.

*Mason got his adenoid removed because it was obstructing his breathing through his nose.

*Evan got the cyst on his forehead removed.

*Madison now loves to walk around the room....but not by herself. she has to have a toy or chair or something that she holds onto and pushes all over. I still think she will be our first walker, she just has to gain the courage.

*Madison now waves and says, "HI!" in a high pitched squeal. She also shakes her head and says, "naw naw" (no, no) and "dot"! (don't), she used to say "ma ma" but very rarely does anymore. she always says "dada" however.

* Mason still doesn't really talk he does this whine that we call the "seal cry" cause he makes a noise like a seal when he's complaining about something. just recently when he's really mad about something he'll say,
"doe doe doe doe!" (whatever that means) over and over again.

*Evan still just says "dada" and he is a total mommy's boy (aka sissy.....did i really say that?).  He also thinks he's a big kid and LOVES to sit on the couch and watch movies.

*Mason has always been the most laid-back kid out of the three. He plays by himself and is rarely crying or upset. Don't let looks deceive you however...he may seem sweet but when he gets mad he hits or grabs at whoever is nearest. He's given me a bloody nose before when he grabbed at my nose.


  1. I know I say this every time, but oh boy they are cute! Sorry to hear about the tubes, but hopefully they will feel better with those done. I love the train! Does big sis feel bad she doesn't get a seat? Thanks again for doing double blogs and letting me keep up with your adorable babies! It always brings a smile to my face!

  2. I can't believe how cute and big they are!!!! My mom told me she saw you the other day!
