Tuesday, December 22, 2009

4 Months Old!

Mason, Evan and Madison with our awesome family doctor

The Triplets turned 4 Months old last friday! They had their 4 month check-up today and here's their recent measurements:

Mason: 11.6 lbs.(2%) 22.25"(0%) Head Circumference: 15.9" (10%)
Evan: 12.5 lbs.(7%) 22.75"(1%) Head Circumference: 16.3" (27%)
Madison: 11 lbs.(4%) 21.75"(0%) Head Circumference: 16.1"(49%)

Yes, our children have big heads.

At Four Months old our babies are holding their heads up, sitting up(with assistance), eating between 4-6oz every 3 hours during the day and sleeping from 8pm-6am every night. We also started them on rice cereal and two out of the three hate it, they cry the whole time. Evan (the biggest one of course) loves rice cereal and does great at eating it. The babies aren't quite rolling over yet, I need to do better at giving them more tummy time. They smile all the time and have chuckled a few times, they haven't quite gotten a big laugh out yet, it seems like that will come any day now. They are wearing 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers.


  1. Congrats! They are growing and developing so good! Do you have a Bumbo chair? Those are great at this stage to help them sit up. Good ol' Dr. K! He looks so proud!

  2. I can't believe how old they are! They are filling out so well too!
