Tuesday, March 23, 2010


rsv season this year has been bad. really bad. my friend's pediatrician said during one point during this season there were 300 kids admitted to primary children's hospital in ONE week.
because of rsv and the babies vulnerability to it because of their prematurity we were advised by the NICU and our doctor to keep them inside. first they said til march. then they extended it til april.
yesterday i was at the breaking point. trying to keep a 2 1/2 year old entertained inside and keep my sanity while staring at the same walls all day for the past 7 months has been exhausting. because it's been so sunny and has warmed up lately i called my doctor on a whim hoping that my wildest dreams would come true and he'd say we didn't have to wait til april (yes, i know it's only a week away, but that seems like forever) and that we could finally take the babies out. i was so thrilled to hear what i was hoping for! he said just in the past week the numbers of rsv patients he's seen has dropped a lot. wahoo! dunno where we'll go with 4 little kids but it's nice to know we're safe leaving the house now.
that was a really really really long 7 months. almost as long as the 7 months i was pregnant with the triplets.
another huge relief: no more synagis (rsv) shots! wahoo! those were $2,000 per kid per month. YUCK!


  1. Yay!!!! I remember when my nephew couldn't outside cause of this whole season. ugh. It drove us bonkers to keep him inside as well as his 2 year old sister. I feel your pain and I can't even imagine with 4 kids! Yay for getting out!!

  2. Wow, I bet you feel like you just hit the jackpot! A walk around the block or visit to the park in the warm sunshine will seem heavenly. Glad to hear you have been set free. Stay well everyone!
