Monday, March 1, 2010

homemade baby food

when we started spending $100.00 (sometimes more) per week on baby food i decided it was time to find a cheaper solution...quickly.

i've always wanted to make our own baby food but was intimidated at the idea and didn't know where to start.

after talking with a fellow triplet mama who makes baby food i felt better about the idea and decided to give it a shot.

she told me about this website:

my first trip to the store i really didn't know how much to buy. i started out with this:

3 pkgs of carrots at $0.89ea. so $2.69 total.

2 whole butternut squashes at $0.99/lb. so $3.64 total.

one bunch of bananas $1.37

7 apples at $1.49/lb so $6.41 total

so all together i spent $14.11

yesterday i baked, steamed and pureed. it really didn't take long at all. being a mommy of a 2 1/2 year old and 6 month old triplets, anything i do needs to be something that doesn't take too much time.  i didn't even finish pureeing all the apples and by the looks of it i will have enough baby food to feed all THREE babies for 2 weeks.  yes, that's right, 2 weeks!

$14.11 every 2 weeks is a LOT better than $100.00 every week.

so to all you mommies of babies out there, i highly recommend you trying it! seriously, it is SO worth it. just a couple pros to making your own food is obviously it will save you a lot of money and it is a lot healthier for your baby to have fresh ground food. oh and the cost, i bought all the veggies and fruit at target and wasn't looking at sale prices. i'm sure if i shopped around and found good deals i could save even more!

think about this too...i'm feeding triplets. so if you have one baby think of the money you'll be saving. if i spend approx. $15.00 for enough food to last 2 weeks...just triple that if you have one baby. you'd probably spend $15.00 every 6 weeks! (if my math is correct...i'm horrible at math)

and if you're worried about having the right equipment, DON'T. the triplet mom i talked to uses the good old stove and an electric mixer, sometimes her hand mixer. i have a steamer and a food processor which works awesome...but you can use almost anything!


i store the food in sandwich-sized ziploc bags label and date them and stick them in our freezer. when i'm ready to feed the babies i thaw one bag and cut off the lower corner with some scissors and squeeze the food out into a easy!


some parents with just one baby use these because each cube is equivalent to one serving for one baby. but i obviously need 3 servings, hence the ziploc bags.



  1. Wow, that is so awesome! I've always been too intimidated to try it as well, but hearing the savings alone is SHOCKING! I may have to give it a try when Addison gets to that age.

  2. Thank you for the post.
    We have discussed this idea back and forth because husband will be starting law school by the time baby starts eating. Glad to know it's not as scary as it sounds!

  3. I have 2.5 yr old quadruplets & I LOVED making my baby food! My kiddos are NOT picky eaters & I swear it's because I was able to expose them to such a huge array of foods. Your children are beautiful!
