Monday, April 19, 2010


The babies turned 8 months old yesterday, on the 18th of April.

Sleep is still an issue.

Evan is our best sleeper and more often then not sleeps all night without any fuss. I even have to wake him because he sleeps in too late!

Mason is a hit and miss sleeper. Sometimes he sleeps more like Evan, other times he wakes up once or twice at night.

Madison is our trouble sleeper. She usually wakes up around 4 am and no matter what we do wants a bottle. Occasionally she'll wake up 2 times a night once around 1 am, wants a bottle, then again at 4 am and wants another bottle. We've tried everything we can think of to help her sleep all night. She still takes a binky and we try to tide her over until she won't let us anymore. We've been feeding her oatmeal right before bed in hopes it will keep her fuller longer. We still swaddle her.

What I'm getting at is...has anyone else been in this same situation? Any advice?

Another question....Do you know if their sleep varies depending on their size? Because Evan is our biggest, Mason is in the middle and Madison is our smallest.

I just can't believe they're 8 months old now and we're still fighting the battle of sleep. Our 1st little girl was not this bad. But then again with her we did the cry it out method, we can't really do that with the triplets because it wakes the others up.


  1. Madison is probably not old enough for this but you could always put a bottle in the crib with her at night. I just don't know if she's old enough to find it yet. Probably not but it's the only suggestion I have. Darn. Let us all know how it goes!

  2. I don't really think (personally) that size is the only factor. I think it's more personality than anything. All my babies have been big, and all have slept totally different. Some are more sensitive and any change affects their sleep (development, food, teething, etc.) while others just seem to be natural sleepers. I think it's finding what works for each baby. But like you do you try the crying it out thing without waking up the other babies? My friend with quads swears by the "Baby Wise" book though, so it's a thought. Good luck! I really wish I had more advice. :)

  3. Ha Ha, wish I had some advice for you, but you know my track record with my baby up several times a night. I think it's "funny" to see how you have 3 babies, probably treat them all the same, yet they are all so different. I guess it just goes to show that what works for one may not work for the other. You could look on the bright side and be thankful it's ONLY Madison up at night! Good luck. It won't last forever.

  4. Corbin was the same way. He would wake up once starving so I just kept feeding him hoping that he would eventually get it. I don't remember how long it took him though. Finally one night Kyle just told me I needed to let him fuss through it and after that he was pretty good about sleeping. I think size has a lot to do with it. Because she is small she probably can't store as much as your boys can so she gets hungry in the night. I know that isn't much advice but maybe it helps knowing that my child did the same thing. :) Good luck!

  5. I would recommend reading "The No-Cry Sleep Solution." I know I will sound like a hippie for saying this, but we did co-sleeping for the first year, so getting Liv to sleep in her own bed was CHALLENGING! This book worked so well for us. It helped me figured out ways to help her sleep without making her cry it out. You never know, it might help with your cute little ones!
