Tuesday, September 1, 2009

NICU - Day 15

  • There are four stages in the NICU's feeding protocol that the babies have to meet before coming home. Right now all three babies are in the first stage. The first stage they are given one bottle per 12 hour shift. They have to drink 75% or more for four bottles in a row and be gaining weight in order to move on to the second stage. Mason last night was at his fourth bottle, unfortunately he was really tired and only drank about half of the bottle so now he has to start over again in the first stage. Evan was on his second bottle last night and did really really well he drank 75% and he only had two episodes during the feeding where his stats dropped which is a huge accomplishment for him. Madison was our champion feeder last night and drank her whole bottle in five minutes, she was still rooting and awake after she finished! She might just pass up her brothers in the feeding protocol. If I remember right it was her second bottle, so she only has to take two more and then she moves right on to stage two!
  • All three babies gained weight last night. Evan is always our little grower and gains a couple ounces every day...the nurses are always shocked.
  • The nurse last night informed us that Evan has a little heart murmur. She said they aren't concerned about it right now because it's quite common among preemies. Usually it's just a valve in their heart that hasn't closed up yet and in most cases they close on their own. She thinks it will be self resolving and we won't have to worry about anything. If when he's ready to come home it hasn't resolved they will try a three day medication that usually closes the valve, if the medication doesn't work they would then do a surgery to close the valve. Landon and I aren't too concerned because the nurses and doctors aren't concerned at this point, it's just something they're keeping their eye on.

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