Tuesday, September 8, 2009

NICU - Day 22

  • Mason and Madison are progressing really quickly on the feeding protocol. They moved Madison onto stage 3 today and Mason onto stage 2! yea!
  • All three babies are gaining weight.
  • Evan is on day 4 out of 7 of the no eating/nec free. Only 3 more days until they start him on his feeds again!


  1. I gave you an award on my blog. Check it out at abnelson.blogspot.com

  2. So that means she should be coming home any day now right?

  3. Hopefully. But as soon as they moved her onto stage three the little booger got lazy for the next two feedings and didn't eat much...guess we'll see. I think she wants to surprise us.

  4. Ha ha, you never know what they're going to do next! She seems to be right on the same track Charlie was! So how is it going to work having one or two home while the other is at the NICU still?

  5. I dunno. We'll just have to commute back and forth still as often as we can to see the babies that are still in the NICU but I'm sure we won't have as much time as we do now because we'll have a baby at home. We'll just have to see. :)
